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Acting Credits Trailer HD




A Fun “Opening Credits” Like Trailer So You Can Meet Our Actors.

“Everyone here ranges from good to REALLY good. I have been a fan of Cortney Palm ever since the gorgeously effed-up SUSHI GIRL, and she doesn’t disappoint here, either. I have to give special shout-outs to three actors in particular in the HUNTERS sequence: Lockie, Zimpel and little Brittany Fishelli.” –

“David and Karen (Stephen Zimpel and Shawn Lockie) in “The Hunters and the Hunted” really shone, as did Emilia Ares Zoyan, who played Caitlin in the “Cam Girls” segment. Even amongst a cast of half a dozen or so, I feel she carried the weight of the story alone.” –

“Brittany Underwood delivers a charmingly peppy performance that is a joy to watch.” –




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